11  Python libraries

Note that module descriptions were obtained from their respective offical site.


Mature module for biological computation developed and maintained by a global community. I suggest inspecting the tutorial and the cookbook examples. Great, clean documentation.

Official page: https://biopython.org/


Collection of IPython notebooks with examples of Earth Science. The module was developed and is maintained by Nikolay Koldunov. Examples are available in the “Dataprocessing” tab.

Official page: http://earthpy.org/


Open Source project for meteorological data analysis.

Official page: https://unidata.github.io/MetPy/latest/


Library for watershed delineation in Python.

Site: https://github.com/mdbartos/pysheds


Python package to perform common geographical information systems analysis operations such as cost-distance analysis, distance buffering, and raster reclassification. It also has a GUI interface.

Official site: https://github.com/giswqs/whitebox


Python package for processing, simulating and analyzing hydrological time series.

Official site: https://github.com/pastas/pastas


Library that allows you to read, organize, and store gridded raster datasets such as satellite imagery and terrain models in GeoTIFF and other formats.

Official site: https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


Python project for working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays.

Official site: http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/


Data mining, data analysis, and machine learning library to solve classification, regression, and clustering problems.

Official site: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/