# Import modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from libpysal.cg.voronoi import voronoi, voronoi_frames
from shapely.geometry import Point
from pyproj import CRS
85 Largest empty circle
monitoring stations, voronoi, spatial distance, largest empty circle
The location of monitoring stations within a weather networks is critical for accurately representing spatial weather and climatic patterns. A good distribution of stations ensures adequate coverage of various landscapes and climatic zones, enhancing the network’s ability to detect and monitor diverse meteorological and environmental phenomena like cold fronts, heat waves, and droughts. This is essential for accurate weather forecasting, climate research, and understanding local weather and climate variations.
In this exercise we will use the geographic location of stations of the Kansas Mesonet environmental monitoring network to identify the largest unmonitored area between stations, which will serve as a proxy to guide the installation of the next station. The approach that we will implement is purely geometrical. More sophisitcated methods that account for the spatial variability of weather variables are available in the scientific literature.
Define coordinate reference systems
When computing distances on a map, it is often easier to work in projected coordinates (e.g., Universal Transverse Mercator). So, during our exercise we will be converting between geographic and projected coordinates as needed using the UTM-14 and WGS84 coordinate reference systems. The UTM-14 zone fits well for Kansas, but won’t be good for other regions. Here is a map for the contiguous U.S. You can learn more about the UTM coordiante system here
By Chrismurf at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, Link
# Define projected and geographic reference systems
= CRS.from_dict({'proj':'utm', 'zone':14, 'south':False}).to_epsg()
epsg_utm = 4326 # WGS84 epsg_wgs
Load stations dataset
# Read stations
= gpd.read_file('../datasets/KS_mesonet_geoinfo.csv')
stations 'lon','lat']] = stations[['lon','lat']].astype('float')
stations[['geometry'] = gpd.points_from_xy(x=stations['lon'], y=stations['lat'], crs=4326).to_crs(epsg_wgs) stations[
Load maps
# Read state boundary map (already in WGS84)
= gpd.read_file('../datasets/spatial/us_state_5m.geojson') #.to_crs(epsg_wgs)
states = states['NAME'] == 'Kansas'
idx_state = states.loc[idx_state].reset_index(drop=True)
# Simplify state boundary for faster computation in later processing
= bnd.to_crs(epsg_utm).simplify(100).to_crs(epsg_wgs)
# Read counties map (only for visuals, not used in any core computation) (already in WGS84)
= gpd.read_file('../datasets/spatial/us_county_5m.geojson') #.to_crs(epsg_wgs)
counties = counties['STATE_NAME'] == 'Kansas'
idx_state = counties.loc[idx_state].reset_index(drop=True) counties
Visualize map and stations
# Creaet figure using object-based syntax
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,4))
fig, ax =ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='gray', linewidth=0.25)
counties.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='k')
bnd.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='tomato', edgecolor='k')
stations.plot(ax#ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) # USe this line when working in UTM
Compute voronoi polygons
# Merge coordinates in different columns into a list of tuples
= list(zip(stations['geometry'].x, stations['geometry'].y))
# Compute voronoi polygons. Note: Centroids are the same as the stations
= voronoi_frames(coords, clip=bnd.iloc[0])
voronoi_poly, voronoi_centroids
# Add CRS to resulting voronoi polygons
=epsg_wgs, inplace=True);
# Compute area for each voronoi polygon
'area'] = voronoi_poly.to_crs(epsg=epsg_utm).area
# Sort by largest area first
='area', inplace=True, ascending=False)
voronoi_poly.sort_values(by=True, inplace=True)
# Visualize voronoi polygons and points
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,4))
fig, ax =ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='k')
voronoi_poly.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='tomato', edgecolor='k')
voronoi_centroids.plot(ax plt.show()
Get vertices of voronoi polygons
# Gather vertices to use as tentative centroids to find the LEC
= True
if include_bnd_points:
= []
vertices for k,row in voronoi_poly.iterrows():
= pd.DataFrame(vertices, columns=['lon','lat']).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
vertices 'geometry'] = list(zip(vertices['lon'], vertices['lat']))
vertices['geometry'] = vertices['geometry'].apply(Point)
vertices[= gpd.GeoDataFrame(vertices).set_crs(epsg=epsg_wgs)
= voronoi(coords)
polygons, vertices = pd.DataFrame(vertices, columns=['lon','lat']).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
vertices 'geometry'] = list(zip(vertices['lon'], vertices['lat']))
vertices['geometry'] = vertices['geometry'].apply(Point)
vertices[= gpd.GeoDataFrame(vertices, crs=epsg_wgs).clip(bnd.loc[0,'geometry']) vertices
Find remotest point
# Compute the area of all clipped empty circles and find circle with largest area
= gpd.GeoDataFrame()
= []
# Before computing distances, convert both dataframes to UTM coordinates
=epsg_utm, inplace=True)
stations.to_crs(epsg=epsg_utm, inplace=True)
for k,row in vertices.iterrows():
= gpd.GeoSeries(row['geometry'], crs=epsg_utm)
gpd_row = stations.distance(gpd_row.iloc[0]).sort_values().iloc[0] # Shortest radius in m
radius = gpd_row.buffer(radius).to_crs(epsg=epsg_wgs).clip(bnd.iloc[0])
circle_coords = circle_coords.to_crs(epsg=epsg_utm).area.values[0]
# Save variables
empty_circles.append({'circle_coords': circle_coords[0],
'circle_area': circle_area,
'radius': radius})
# Convert dictionary to GeoDataframe (geometry is still in UTM)
= gpd.GeoDataFrame(empty_circles, geometry='geometry', crs=epsg_utm)
# Sort empty circles by decreasing area
='circle_area', ascending=False, inplace=True)
df_empty_circles.sort_values(by=True, inplace=True)
# Keep only largest empty circle
#df_lec = df_lec.loc[[0]]
# Restore geographic coordinates of geometries
=epsg_wgs, inplace=True)
stations.to_crs(epsg=epsg_wgs, inplace=True)
vertices.to_crs(epsg=epsg_wgs, inplace=True)
# Show largest empty circle information
= gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_empty_circles.iloc[[0]], geometry='geometry', crs=epsg_wgs)
lec lec
geometry | circle_coords | circle_area | radius | |
0 | POINT (-96.35989 38.34558) | POLYGON ((-95.52356334992069 38.25856568398934... | 1.709451e+10 | 73824.810245 |
Append tentative location of new station
# Append tentative centroid to the stations table
= f"station_{stations.shape[0]+1}"
new_name = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'name':new_name,
new_station 'lat': [lec.loc[0,'geometry'].y],
'lon': [lec.loc[0,'geometry'].x],
'geometry': [lec.loc[0,'geometry']]},
= pd.concat([stations, new_station]).reset_index(drop=True)
updated_stations updated_stations.tail()
name | lat | lon | geometry | |
52 | Viola | 37.459700 | -97.62470 | POINT (-97.62470 37.45970) |
53 | Wallace | 38.819800 | -101.85300 | POINT (-101.85300 38.81980) |
54 | Washington | 39.781200 | -97.05980 | POINT (-97.05980 39.78120) |
55 | Woodson | 37.861200 | -95.78360 | POINT (-95.78360 37.86120) |
56 | station_57 | 38.345583 | -96.35989 | POINT (-96.35989 38.34558) |
Show the larget empty circle
# Create figure with resulting largest empty circle
# Define CRS for plot. This makes it easier to change the CRS without
# re-running the entire code
= epsg_wgs #5070, 2163
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax =ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='k', linewidth=2)
bnd.to_crs(epsg_plot).plot(ax=ax, color='k', marker='v')
stations.to_crs(epsg_plot).plot(ax=ax, facecolor='None')
voronoi_poly.to_crs(epsg_plot).plot(ax0]].to_crs(epsg_plot).plot(ax=ax, hatch='//', facecolor='None')
=ax, marker='o', markersize=15, color='tomato')
# Add LEC (note that the centroid is the geometry)
=ax, marker='x', facecolor='k', markersize=100)
# Change dataframe geometry to plot the circle boundary
'circle_coords', crs=epsg_wgs).to_crs(epsg_plot).plot(ax=ax,
'Largest empty circle')
plt.ylabel( plt.show()
Patrignani, A., Mohankumar, N., Redmond, C., Santos, E. A., & Knapp, M. (2020). Optimizing the spatial configuration of mesoscale environmental monitoring networks using a geometric approach. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 37(5), 943-956.