# Import modules
import glob
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, newton
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
= 'ignore'); # Suppress warning about diving by zero np.seterr(divide
68 Frontier production functions
frontier, yield gap, attainable yield
A frontier production function is a method of economic analysis used to asses the use efficiency of a limited number of resources in industry. Perhaps, the most traditional example involves the analysis of resources such as labor and capital required to produce a specic good. The concept has also been widely applied in agriculture to assess the regional (e.g. county, shire) or farm production efficiency as a function of growing season water supply.
In this exercise you will learn how to fit a frontier production function using a dataset of winter wheat grain yield and growing season precipitation for Grant county in Oklahoma. We will implement the Cobb-Douglas model, which is one of the most common models. If you are interested in this topic you should read the seminal paper by Cobb and Douglas published in 1928.
y = a + b \ ln(x) + c \ [ln(x)]^2 \ , \quad x>0
Read and inspect dataset
# Load yield and precipitation data
= pd.read_csv("../datasets/frontier_yield_rainfall.csv", header=1)
df df.head()
year | county | grain_yield | rainfall | |
0 | 1919 | GRANT | 1021.596244 | 602.107 |
1 | 1920 | GRANT | 1122.411663 | 477.647 |
2 | 1922 | GRANT | 678.823820 | 389.128 |
3 | 1923 | GRANT | 860.291574 | 591.185 |
4 | 1924 | GRANT | 1021.596244 | 516.001 |
# Explore data
plt.figure(figsize"rainfall"], df["grain_yield"], edgecolor='k', alpha=0.75)
plt.scatter(df['Growing season precipitation (mm)')
plt.xlabel('Grain yield (kg/ha)')
plt.ylabel( plt.show()
Binning process
Our next step is to partition the dataset into continuous and non-overlapping rainfall intervals or histogram bins.
# Get histogram bin edges
= np.histogram_bin_edges(df['rainfall'], bins='fd')
bin_edges print(bin_edges)
[ 206.629 308.01733333 409.40566667 510.794 612.18233333
713.57066667 814.959 916.34733333 1017.73566667 1119.124 ]
The next step consists of iterating over each bin and get a specified yield percentile for the values in each bin and compute the average growing season rainfall for each bin.
# Initiate arrays filled with NaNs
= np.full(len(bin_edges), np.nan)
yield_bin = np.full(len(bin_edges), np.nan)
# Loop over each rainfall bin
for k in range(len(bin_edges)-1):
= (df['rainfall'] >= bin_edges[k]) & (df['rainfall'] < bin_edges[k+1])
# If not rainfall observation is within current bin, then skip
if np.all(idx == False):
= df.loc[idx, 'grain_yield'].quantile(0.99)
yield_bin[k] = df.loc[idx, 'rainfall'].mean()
# Display outputs. For simplicity I rounded the outputs at the time of printing.
[ 266.2301 363.7915 471.59007692 564.86611765 653.68054545
760.57125 nan nan 1020.064 nan]
[1851.37435097 2246.5035833 2809.38967096 2632.4922162 2708.5742522
2661.1910059 nan nan 2083.518656 nan]
# Remove bins with NaNs
= np.isnan(rainfall_bin)
idx_nan = rainfall_bin[~idx_nan]
rainfall_bin = yield_bin[~idx_nan] yield_bin
Curve fitting
In the last step we need to create the frontier production function using the pairwise rainfall-yield data that we just collected for the rainfall bins.
# Define Cobb-Douglas model
= lambda x, a, b, c: a + b * np.log(x) + c * np.log(x)**2
# Define initial guess for the parameters of the Cobb-Douglas model
= [1,1,1]
# Fit Cobb-Douglas model
= curve_fit(cobb_douglas, rainfall_bin, yield_bin, par0)
par print('Optimized parameters:', np.round(par[0]))
# Create range of x values using a step increase (default). This will give us enough detail
# to have an accurate curve for most practical purposes.
= np.arange(0, df['rainfall'].max())
frontier_rainfall = cobb_douglas(frontier_rainfall, *par[0])
print('The frontier was built using a total of:', len(frontier_rainfall), 'points')
Optimized parameters: [-64574. 21257. -1679.]
The frontier was built using a total of: 1120 points
# Plot the data and frontier
plt.figure(figsize"rainfall"], df["grain_yield"],
plt.scatter(df[='k', alpha=0.75, label='Obs')
plt.plot(frontier_rainfall, frontier_yield,'-k', label='Frontier Cobb-Douglas')
'Growing season precipitation (mm)', size=16)
plt.xlabel('Grain yield (kg/ha)', size=16)
plt.ylim(='lower right')
plt.legend(loc plt.show()
Curve interpretation
Part of the frontier function is negative. We limited the
axis in the plot to positive yield values.The part of the frontier yield function that intercepts the
axis represents the amount of growing season water supply that generates zero yield. This can be viewed as an inefficiency of the system and represents the minimum water losses due to runoff, evaporation, drainage, canopy interception, etc.The highest point of the curve indicates the growing season rainfall required to achieve maximum yield. Values below the curve represent non-optimal yield for that growing season rainfall, which can be associated to other factors such as the distribution of the rainfall during the growing season, heat stress, hail damage, or yield losses due to diseases and pests.
The decaying portion of the curve at high growing season rainfall may be due to: 1) there is insuficient yield data for years with high growing season rainfall or 2) excess water is detrimental to grain yields (e.g., plant lodging, increased disease pressure, weaker root anchoring, and even larger number of cloudy days that reduce the amount of solar radiation for photosynthesis).
Additional summary metrics
# Median rainfall
= df['rainfall'].median()
median_rainfall print(median_rainfall, 'mm')
# Median grain yield
= df['grain_yield'].median()
median_yield print(median_yield, 'kg/ha')
# Estimate minimum_losses using the Newton-Raphson method
= newton(cobb_douglas, 200, args=par[0])
minimum_losses print('Minimum losses: ', round(minimum_losses), 'mm')
# Find rainfall for highest grain yield
= np.amax(frontier_yield)
max_yield = np.argmax(frontier_yield)
idx_max_yield = frontier_rainfall[idx_max_yield]
print('Optimal rainfall:', round(optimal_rainfall), 'mm')
print('Optimal yield:', round(max_yield), 'kg/ha')
508.254 mm
1680.25698 kg/ha
Minimum losses: 157 mm
Optimal rainfall: 562 mm
Optimal yield: 2727 kg/ha
Compute frontier with plateau
Some researchers prefer to fit a frontier with a plateau. While this is typically done using a two-segment piecewise linear model, we can easily adapt the model fitted earlier to achieve the same.
# Set maximum
= frontier_rainfall > optimal_rainfall
idx_rainfall = frontier_yield.copy()
frontier_plateau = np.maximum(frontier_plateau[idx_rainfall], max_yield) frontier_plateau[idx_rainfall]
# Plot the new frontier
plt.figure(figsize"rainfall"], df["grain_yield"],
plt.scatter(df[='k', alpha=0.75, label='Obs')
plt.plot(frontier_rainfall, frontier_plateau, '-k', label='Frontier with plateau')
'Growing season precipitation (mm)', size=16)
plt.xlabel('Grain yield (kg/ha)', size=16)
plt.ylim(='lower right')
plt.legend(loc plt.show()
- Run the code again using a different method to create bins and a different percentile for yield in each bin. How different are the values for minimum losses and optimum rainfall amounts?
Cobb, C.W. and Douglas, P.H., 1928. A theory of production. The American Economic Review, 18(1), pp.139-165.
French, R.J. and Schultz, J.E., 1984. Water use efficiency of wheat in a Mediterranean-type environment. I. The relation between yield, water use and climate. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35(6), pp.743-764.
Grassini, P., Yang, H. and Cassman, K.G., 2009. Limits to maize productivity in Western Corn-Belt: a simulation analysis for fully irrigated and rainfed conditions. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 149(8), pp.1254-1265.
Patrignani, A., Lollato, R.P., Ochsner, T.E., Godsey, C.B. and Edwards, J., 2014. Yield gap and production gap of rainfed winter wheat in the southern Great Plains. Agronomy Journal, 106(4), pp.1329-1339.