# Import modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
44 Error metrics
errors, residuals, accuracy
In agronomy, environmental science, and hydrology, the assessment of models, sensors, and measurement methodologies is typically achieved by comparing them against a more accurate benchmark or observed data using several error metrics.
To illustrate the computation of different error metrics we will use a dataset obtained from the calibration of an actual soil moisture sensor in laboratory conditions. In this case, the sensor provides an estimate of soil moisture and the soil moisture values obtained using the thermo-gravimetric method (i.e. oven-drying the soil samples) provide the benchmark or ground-truth values.
# Load dataset
= pd.read_csv('../datasets/hydrosense_lab_calibration.csv', skiprows=[0])
df 3) df.head(
measurement | sand | clay | textural_class | bulk_density | vwc_true | period_average | vwc_sensor | |
0 | 1 | 16 | 33 | silty clay loam | 1.44 | 4.6 | 1.120 | 2.1 |
1 | 2 | 16 | 33 | silty clay loam | 1.32 | 12.5 | 1.255 | 8.8 |
2 | 3 | 16 | 33 | silty clay loam | 1.40 | 23.5 | 1.550 | 27.0 |
# Dataset
= df['vwc_true']
y_obs = df['vwc_sensor']
# Find largest value to avoid hard coding
= np.concatenate((obs,pred)).max() + 5
# Plot data
plt.figure(figsize'Soil moisture sensor data')
plt.title(=(1,0.2,0.2,0.5), edgecolor='k')
plt.scatter(y_obs, y_pred, facecolor0,max_val], [0,max_val], linestyle='--', color='k', label='1:1 line')
plt.plot(['Observed (%)')
plt.xlabel('Sensor (%)')
plt.ylabel(0, max_val])
plt.xlim([0, max_val])
plt.ylim([ plt.show()
The 1:1 line on a graph comparing observed versus predicted data represents the line of perfect agreement. When a data point falls on this line, it indicates that the predicted value is exactly equal to the observed value. Points above the line indicate overprediction, while points below the line indicate underprediction. The 1:1 line serves as a visual benchmark for evaluating the predictive performance of a model; it’s where we would expect all points to lie if the model had perfect predictive ability.
The residuals are the differences between the observed values and the predicted values. Residuals are a diagnostic measure to understand whether the model or a sensor has systematically overestimated or underestimated the benchmark data. Analyzing the pattern of residuals can reveal biases in the model or indicate whether certain assumptions of the model are not being met.
= y_pred - y_obs
residuals print(residuals)
0 -2.5
1 -3.7
2 3.5
3 5.4
4 0.2
93 -2.1
94 1.9
95 1.7
96 7.1
97 5.1
Length: 98, dtype: float64
# Visually inspect residuals
plt.figure(figsize=(1,0.2,0.2,0.5), edgecolor='k')
plt.scatter(y_obs, residuals, facecolor0, linestyle='--', color='k')
plt.axhline('Observed (%)')
plt.xlabel('Residuals (%)')
plt.ylabel( plt.show()
Inspection of the residuals revealed that at low soil moisture levels the sensor tends to underestimate soil moisture and that at high soil moisture levels the sensor tends to overestimate soil moisture.
Mean bias error (MBE)
The MBE determines the average bias, showing whether the model, sensor, or measurement consistently overestimates or underestimates compared to the benchmark. In the case of the MBE, positive values mean over-prediction and negative values under-prediction. Although this would depend on the order of the subtraction when computing the residuals.
A bias equal to zero can be a consequence of small errors or very large errors balanced by opposite sign. It is always recommended to include other error metrics in addition to the mean bias error.
= np.nanmean(residuals)
mbe print(mbe)
Sum of residuals (SRES)
# Sum of residuals
= np.nansum(residuals)
sres print(sres)
Sum of the absolute of residuals (SARES)
# Sum of absolute residuals
= np.nansum(np.abs(residuals))
sares print(sares)
Sum of squared errors (or residuals)
# Sum of squared errors
= np.nansum(residuals**2)
sse print(sse)
Mean squared error (MSE)
# Mean squared error
= np.nanmean(residuals**2)
mse print(mse)
Root mean squared error (RMSE)
The RMSE is one of the most popular error metrics in modeling studies and quantifies the square root of the average of squared differences between the predicted or measured values and the benchmark. It emphasizes larger errors, making it useful for understanding substantial discrepancies, but this feature also makes it very sensitive to outliers.
When comparing two estimates where none of them represents the ground truth it is better to name this error metric the “Root Mean Squared Difference” to emphasize that is the difference between two estimates. The word “error” is typically reserved to represent deviations against a gold standard or ground-truth value.
# Root mean squared error
= np.sqrt(np.nanmean(residuals**2))
rmse print(rmse)
Relative root mean squared error (RRMSE)
The RRMSE is more meaningful than the RMSE when comparing errors from datasets with different units or ranges. Sometimes the RRMSE is computed by dividing the RMSE over the range of the observed values rather than the average of the observed values.
# Realtive root mean squared error
= np.sqrt(np.nanmean(residuals**2)) / np.nanmean(y_obs)
rrmse print(rrmse)
Mean absolute error (MAE)
The MAE measures the average magnitude of the absolute errors between the predictions or measurements and the benchmark, treating all deviations equally without regard to direction. As a result, the MAE is a more robust error metric against outliers compared to the RMSE.
= np.nanmean(np.abs(residuals))
mae print(mae)
Median absolute error
The MedAE calculates the median of the absolute differences between the benchmark values and the predictions, providing a measure of the typical error size. The use of the median gives the MedAE an advantage over the mean since it is less sensitive to outliers.
# Median absolute error
= np.nanmedian(np.abs(residuals))
medae print(medae)
Willmott index of agreement (D)
This index offers a normalized measure, ranging from 0 (no agreement) to 1 (perfect agreement, y_obs=y_pred
, and consequently SSE=0
), evaluating the relative error between the predicted/measured values and the benchmark. It is particularly useful for addressing the limitations of other statistical measures.
= np.abs(y_pred - np.nanmean(y_obs))
abs_diff_pred = np.abs(y_obs - np.nanmean(y_obs))
= 1 - np.nansum(residuals**2) / np.nansum((abs_diff_pred + abs_diff_obs)**2)
willmott print(willmott)
Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
The NSE assesses the predictive power of models or measurements by comparing the variance of the residuals to the variance of the observed data. An NSE of 1 suggests an excellent match, while values below 0 imply that the average of the observed data is a better predictor than the model or measurement under scrutiny.
# Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
= np.sum(residuals**2)
numerator = np.sum((y_obs - np.mean(y_obs))**2)
denominator = 1 - numerator/denominator
nse print(nse)
The Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency metric is widely used to compare predicted and observed time series in hydrology (e.g., streamflow).
Willmott, C.J., Robeson, S.M. and Matsuura, K., 2012. A refined index of model performance. International Journal of Climatology, 32(13), pp.2088-2094.
Willmott, C.J. and Matsuura, K., 2005. Advantages of the mean absolute error (MAE) over the root mean square error (RMSE) in assessing average model performance. Climate research, 30(1), pp.79-82.
Willmott, C.J., 1981. On the validation of models. Physical geography, 2(2), pp.184-194.