# Import modules
import ee
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint
3 Value at a point
Perhaps, one of the simplest and most basic operations in Google Earth Engine is to retrieve information for a single point. Typical examples include elevation, mean annual temperature, and soil properties. In other words, this type of operations is mostly intended at retrieving information that does not change with time.
# Authenticate
# Initialize the library.
While we need to run ee.Initialize()
everytime we start a notebook or restart the Python kernel, we only need to authenticate once, so a handy tip is to mute the ee.Initialize()
line with a #
once you are done. Note that after several hours or days of inactivity you will need to authenticate again.
Example 1: Elevation
In the following example we will retrieve the elevation for a specific point on Earth.
Product: USGS/SRTMGL1_003
# Define geographic coordinates
= 39.186512 # This is y
lat = -96.576844 # This is x
# Convert coordinates into a Point geometry following the x,y notation
= ee.Geometry.Point([lon, lat])
# Explore point geometry
{'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-96.576844, 39.186512]}
In this tutorial we will use the .getInfo()
method to print the underlying data and metadata of multiple objects, so that you can see the output and become more familiar with GEE data structures and the geoJSON format. This information is also valubale for debugging code errors. However, you don’t typically want to clutter your notebooks with these long outputs, so we will skip some of these steps in future tutorials.
# Load digital elevation model (DEM) from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
= ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003') dem
# Obtain some information about the DEM layer (output is long!)
# Retrieve the elevation value: This step will get us close to the answer, but we are not there yet
1).getInfo()) pprint(dem.sample(point,
{'columns': {'elevation': 'Short'},
'features': [{'geometry': None,
'id': '0',
'properties': {'elevation': 317},
'type': 'Feature'}],
'properties': {'band_order': ['elevation']},
'type': 'FeatureCollection'}
# Retrieve the elevation value: This step will get us even closer to the answer, but we are not there yet
1).first().getInfo() dem.sample(point,
{'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': None,
'id': '0',
'properties': {'elevation': 317}}
# Retrieve the elevation value: This step will get us the correct value
= dem.sample(point, 1).first().getNumber('elevation').getInfo()
elev print(f'Elevation: {elev} m')
Elevation: 317 m
Example 2: Weather variables
Obtain the long-term mean annual air temperature and precipitation for a specific location
Product: For more information about bands and units visit: WorldClim BIO
# Define geographic coordinates
= 39.186512 # This is y
lat = -96.576844 # This is x
# Convert coordinates into a Point geometry following the x,y notation
= ee.Geometry.Point(lon, lat) point
# Load WorldClim BIO dataset
= ee.Image('WORLDCLIM/V1/BIO') dataset
# Access metadata of the product (output is long!)
# Get long-term mean annual air temperature
= dataset.select('bio01').sample(point,1).first().getNumber('bio01').multiply(0.1).getInfo()
T_mean print(f'Mean annual air temperature: {round(T_mean,1)} Celsius')
Mean annual air temperature: 12.2 Celsius
# Get long-term annual precipitation
= dataset.select('bio12').sample(point,1).first().get('bio12').getInfo()
P_annual print(f'Mean annual precipitation: {round(P_annual,1)} mm')
Mean annual precipitation: 857 mm
Example 3: Reference ET
In this example we will retrieve daily values of reference evapotranspiration for a point.
Product: For more information visit the description in Google Earth Engine of GRIDMET
# Define point
= ee.Geometry.Point([-96.576844, 39.186512]) point
# Obtain GRIDMET dataset for a specific period. End date is excluded from the call
= ee.Date('2022-07-01')
start_date = ee.Date('2022-07-02')
end_date = ee.Date('2022-03-15')
day_of_interest = ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET').filterDate(start_date, end_date) dataset
# Information about image collection
# Use the get methog to retrieve a specific property
'description').getInfo() dataset.get(
# Information about first image within the collection (output is long!)
# Information about feature collection
1).getInfo() # Sample at 1 meter resolution dataset.first().sample(point,
{'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'columns': {'bi': 'Float',
'erc': 'Float',
'eto': 'Float',
'etr': 'Float',
'fm100': 'Float',
'fm1000': 'Float',
'pr': 'Float',
'rmax': 'Float',
'rmin': 'Float',
'sph': 'Float',
'srad': 'Float',
'th': 'Float',
'tmmn': 'Float',
'tmmx': 'Float',
'vpd': 'Float',
'vs': 'Float'},
'properties': {'band_order': ['pr',
'features': [{'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': None,
'id': '0',
'properties': {'bi': 0,
'erc': 20,
'eto': 4.5,
'etr': 5.300000190734863,
'fm100': 14.899999618530273,
'fm1000': 17.799999237060547,
'pr': 43.70000076293945,
'rmax': 90.9000015258789,
'rmin': 60.20000076293945,
'sph': 0.014340000227093697,
'srad': 249.39999389648438,
'th': 114,
'tmmn': 293.70001220703125,
'tmmx': 300.1000061035156,
'vpd': 0.7300000190734863,
'vs': 2.799999952316284}}]}
# Information about feature
= dataset.first().sample(point,1).first().getNumber('eto').getInfo()
eto print(f'The grass reference ET is {eto} mm')
The grass reference ET is 4.400000095367432 mm
Alternative solution: Access the image directly rather than the collection.
'IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET/20220701').sample(point,1).first().getNumber('eto').getInfo() ee.Image(
Get dataset timestamps
# Obtain the START time of the dataset to check that it matches our request.
# Response is in milliseconds since 1-Jan-1970
'eto').first().getNumber('system:time_start').getInfo() dataset.select(
# Obtain the END time of the dataset to check that it matches our request.
# Response is in milliseconds since 1-Jan-1970
'eto').first().getNumber('system:time_end').getInfo() dataset.select(
# Find the datetime of the serial date numbers
# Input in "fromtimestamp()" has to be in seconds, so we divide by 1000
print('Start time:', datetime.fromtimestamp(1656655200000/1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))
print('End time:', datetime.fromtimestamp(1656741600000/1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))
Start time: 2022-07-01 01:00:00.000000
End time: 2022-07-02 01:00:00.000000
Example 4: Retrieve soil properties for a given location
Product: SoilGrids
Source: https://samapriya.github.io/awesome-gee-community-datasets/projects/isric/
# Load the SoilGrids dataset from GEE
= ee.Image("projects/soilgrids-isric/sand_mean") soil_grids
# Define a point geometry
= 37.839154
lat = -99.101594
lon = ee.Geometry.Point(lon,lat)
point = soil_grids.sample(point,250).first().getNumber('sand_0-5cm_mean').multiply(0.1).getInfo() sand
print(f'The percentage of sand at ({lat},{lon}) is: {round(sand)} %')
The percentage of sand at (37.839154,-99.101594) is: 53 %