Sensor Specs

Sensor Information Wiring Wiring image

    Soil water reflectometer manufactured by Campbell Scientific. Connects using SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Red -> Power (12V+)
  • Green -> Signal (C1)
  • Black -> Ground (G)
  • Orange -> Ground (G)
  • Clear -> Ground (G)
Theta Probe

    Soil moisture sensor manufactured by DeltaT Devices. This sensors does not use the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • White -> Power (SW12V)
  • Green -> Earth ground
  • Brown -> Ground (G)
  • Blue -> High channel (H1)
  • Black -> Low channel (L1)
  • Gray -> High channel (H2)
Hydra Probe

    Soil moisture sensor manufactured by Stevens Water, Inc. This sensors connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Red -> Power (12V+)
  • Blue -> Signal (C1)
  • Black -> Ground (G))
TDR 315N

    Soil moisture sensor manufactured by Acclima, Inc. This sensors connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Red -> Power (12V+)
  • White -> Ground (G)
  • Blue -> Signl (C2)
Teros 12

    Soil moisture sensor manufactured by Meter, Inc. This sensor connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Brown -> Power (12V+)
  • Orange -> Signal (C1)
  • Bare -> Ground (G)
Teros 21

    Soil moisture sensor manufactured by Meter, Inc. This sensor measures matric potential and connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Brown -> Power (12V+)
  • Orange -> Signal (C1)
  • Bare -> Ground (G)
Soil Vue

    Multi-depth soil moisture sensor manufactured by Campbell Scientific, Inc. This sensor measures volumetric water content and connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Brown -> Power (12V+)
  • White -> Signal (C1)
  • Clear -> Ground (G)
  • Black -> Ground (G)
Gro Point

    Multi-depth soil moisture sensor manufactured by Riot Technology, Inc. This sensor measures volumetric water content and connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Red -> Power (12V+)
  • White -> Signal (C1)
  • Green -> Ground (G)
Drill & Drop

    Multi-depth soil moisture sensor manufactured by Sentek, Inc. This sensor measures volumetric water content and connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Red -> Power (12V+)
  • White -> Signal (C1)
  • Green -> Ground (G)
Teros 54

    Multi-depth soil moisture sensor manufactured by Meter, Inc. This sensor measures volumetric water content and connects using the SDI-12 protocol

  • Programs
  • CR300 datalogger
  • Brown -> Power (12V+)
  • White -> Signal (C1)
  • Blue -> Ground (G)
  • Black -> Ground (G)